[Exclusive] Da Flyy Hooligan (UK) 獨家訪談 Interview 2018

Da Flyy Hooligan是來自英國倫敦的饒舌歌手。曾以藝名Iron Braydz的身分參與過Blind Alphabetz、Triple Darkness等團體。近年來更名為"Da Flyy Hooligan",並且營運獨立嘻哈廠牌"GourmetDeluxx",發行一系列的錄音帶、CD,受到許多地下嘻哈迷的關注與好評,人氣持續攀升中。

1. Can u introduce yourself? 請做個自我介紹
  • Da Flyy Hooligan (以下簡稱DFH): I’m Lamarrie Essquire aka Da Flyy Hooligan, an artist from the North West region of London.
  • DFH: 我是 Lamarrie Essquire,外號Da Flyy Hooligan,來自倫敦西北區。
2. Is there any meaning behind "Da Flyy Hooligan"? 你的外號有什麼涵義?
  • DFH: My name reflects the extravagance in my environment, Diamond in the rough.
  • DFH: 我外號是反映出我周遭環境中的低調奢華,就像是未經琢磨的鑽石一般。
3. So far you have released three albums (under the name Flyy Hooligan). All got very great feedback from underground hip hop lovers! Which album do you like the most? What tracks will you recommend and why?
目前為止,你推出過三張專輯,且全部都得到很不錯的評價。你最喜歡哪張專輯? 最推薦哪一首作品?
  • DFH:  Thank you. I don’t have a favourite, they all reflect me at the peak of my moments creating those wonderful art pieces. I would recommend the first track on "Ray Winstone” titled “DFH”, it’s the track that introduces my whole style.
  •  DFH: 謝謝。我沒有最喜歡的,因為他們都反映出我創作當下最完美的瞬間。我會推薦專輯"Ray Winstone"的第一首歌曲"DFH",因為這首歌就是在完整介紹我自己的風格。
Da Flyy Hooligan - DFH (Produced by Micall Parknsun)

4. What is GourmetDeluxx all about? we see that there are Daupe, and some other independent labels doing well recently. What's your business strategy? 
GourmetDeluxx是什麼? 近年來有許多發展不錯的獨立廠牌,你們的競爭策略是什麼?
  • DFH: GourmetDeluxxx is a conglomerate of hip hop / fashion / art / film and culture enthusiasts, who is spearheaded by myself, however everyone is in control of what they do best. our strategy is to love what we do and provide the best in our premiss for our fans and supporters alike.
  • DFH: GourmetDeluxxx 是一個聚集嘻哈/ 時尚/ 藝術/ 視覺以及文化愛好者們的大集團,以我為首來主導。不過每個成員都在自己的領域有所發揮。我們的策略就是持續去做自己所愛做的事情,並且提供給支持者們最好的作品。
5. How's the UK hip hop scene? 英國的嘻哈現狀如何?
  • DFH: The hip hop scene in the UK is getting healthy, there’s a new way of thinking being adopted into this current wave of participants in the art form. 
  • DFH: 英國的嘻哈發展越來越健全,也有新的方式去因應這波風潮。
6. What do you usually do other than music? 除了音樂以外你平常還做些什麼?
  • DFH: Music and music business is all I do.
  • DFH: 還是音樂以及事業。 
7. As a vinyl lover, I need to ask will you release albums in vinyl format in the future?
  • DFH: Absolutely, providing what the fans and supporters want is very important to us.
  • DFH: 當然了。提供粉絲想要的東西是我們的首要之務。

8. What's your advice to other young artists? 給其他年輕歌手的建議?
  • DFH: INVEST in you (everything). 
  • DFH: 投資你自己,不管是任何事情。

Da Flyy Hooligan:

