[Exclusive] MOFAK (France) 獨家訪談 Interview 2017

1. Can you introduce yourself? 請做個自我介紹
  • Mofak:My name is Mofak. I'm a beatmaker from almost 15 years old.
  • Mofak:我的名字是Mofak,我從十五歲起就是個beatmaker了。
2. You are from France, and now move to LA. What are the differences between these two cities, especially the G-Funk music scenes? 
  • Mofak:yes, I still in Marseille but I go to LA 3 times per year to work and making collaboration with rappers & singers, I need it because the scenes of G-funk in Marseille is out lol, but the city look like LA we have palm trees, sun, smoke ... 
  • Mofak:是的。我仍住在法國馬賽,但是每年都至少造訪洛杉磯三次,為了和當地的饒舌歌手們進行合作交流。我會需要這麼做,是因為基本上馬賽的G-Funk音樂市場已經枯竭了(笑),不過馬賽這城市在某些方還是和洛杉磯很像,我們也有棕梠樹、陽光、大麻...

3. I heard that you were a dancer first, then started making music. 
How did you learn making music? 
  • Mofak:I was beatmaker first but I dancing longtime without music and one day I broke my arm and I replay some beats.  
  • Mofak:我很早知道如何製作beat,而我也跳舞跳很久了,但其實都沒特別去鑽研製作音樂這塊領域。有一天我手不小心斷了、不能跳舞...然後就開始自己摸索出一些beats來。
4.  Do you still remember the very first song u made? 
  • Mofak:I remember the first beat I made it was so funny but the funk was there. so I continue to practice and to be better and better.
  • Mofak:我還記得我的第一首beat,想起來還是覺得很好笑,但Funk的精髓還是在那。所以我持續練習、然後變得越來越好。
5. What are your biggest inspirations? What are your favorite albums?
  • Mofak:I have so many inspiration from G-funk to bossanova and Jazz funk. Its difficult for me to say one, but I like Stevie Wonder/Roy Ayers/Sergio Mendes and more. one of my favorite albums is Don Blackman but I have so much too lol.
  • Mofak:有許多音樂風格影響著我,從G-Funk、Bossa Nova、到Jazz Funk等都是。要我特別挑一位喜愛的音樂人很難,但有些喜歡的歌手,像是Stevie Wonder、Roy Ayers、還有Sergio Mendes。最喜愛的專輯大概是Don Blackman的同名專輯,不過當然還有好多講也講不完 lol
6. In Taiwain, there are still lots of people not familiar with your work. 
Can you talk about your production credits? 
  • Mofak:I made some beats for: Big Sono, Kokane, Tray deee, Xzibit, Chago Williams, Fevah, Batez, Haas Diop, Smoky lane, lil' eazy E, Baby E3, Soopafly, Box, Surprise and more..
  • Mofak:我幫一些人做過歌,像是Big Sono, Kokane, Tray deee, Xzibit, Chago Williams, Fevah, Batez, Haas Diop, Smoky lane, lil' eazy E, Baby E3, Soopafly, Box, Surprise....等等。

7.  What can we expect from this new album "Mofeezy 2"?  
我們可以從你的新專輯"Mofeezy 2"中期待些什麼?
  • Mofak:I produced 6 tracks on it, totally funk with voice and talkbox is 100% Funk album featuring: emcee Originate/Chago Williams/BreexonLane. no sample just music.
  • Mofak:我在這張新專輯製作了六首歌曲。這是純粹的放克音樂,從歌唱部份、到talkbox的使用絕對都是100%的放克。跨刀歌手包括:emcee Originate、Chago Williams、Breexon Lane等等。

8. What are your future plans? 你的未來計劃是什麼?
  • Mofak:My next project is almost done its call Neo Funk 2. its mix between hip hop trap and G-funk and funk .
  • Mofak: 我下一張作品已經將近完工,叫做"Neo Funk 2"。這是一種介於嘻哈、trap音樂以及G-Funk和放克音樂之間的混合體。
話說DJ Mofak曾經來過台灣兩次,希望下次還有機會再來囉!

